Lagunitas Brewing 'Imperial Red' Ale

Lagunitas Imperial Red Ale 1
Lagunitas Brewing 'Imperial Red' Ale. 7.8% abv. 54 IBU. Dark red-amber in color. Hoppy nose with bready notes of grain. Creamy two fingers of tan head. Good retention, outstanding lace. Front taste is a balance of bright hops and citrus over malty sweetness. The mingling of citrus and hops and are much more present as the temp drops. Aftertaste is hoppy bite with a descending malt taste. Medium body. Mouthfeel is warm bordering on hot, rich, smooth on the tongue.

This is an extraordinary beer. Nicely balanced, growing more complex as the temperature falls. The mix of flavors is pronounced and pleasant, and the mouthfeel is almost silky. Delicious. Get this beer if you can. Highly recommended.

From the brewery:

"This Special Ale is In Reality, the Exhumation of the Very First Ale We Ever Brewed Way, Way Back, in 1993. Brewed With a Big Head, a Muscular Malty Thorax, a Silky Texture & All Strung Together With a Hoppy Sweet Nerve Sack… Ick. A dank and roasty treat. Back again in bombers. Cheers!"

Lagunitas Imperial Red Ale 2

Lagunitas Imperial Red Ale 3