Knee Deep Tanilla Porter

Knee Deep Tanilla Porter. 6.3% abv. 30 IBU. Dark brown color, nearly black. Two fingers of creamy tan head. Good retention and lace. Nose of rich malt, some vanilla, notes of cocoa. Front taste is where the vanilla stands out, with a malty backbone and notes of roasted coffee. Aftertaste is sweet with some lingering hop bitterness. Thin-medium body. Mouthfeel is thick, creamy carb. This is a great beer, well made, somewhat different from a standard porter. I’ve had it twice so far, and I’m sure I’ll have it again.

From the brewery:

"Made with only grade-A Tahitian vanilla beans, Tanilla carries a smooth chocolate flavor complemented by the delicate intensity of vanilla beans, and a rich aroma of coffee."

Nice retention and lace on this creamy head.

Knee Deep Tanilla was a hit at one of our beer tasters.