Josef Belgian Blonde Ale

Josef Belgian Blonde Ale 1
Josef Belgian Blonde Ale. 6% abv. Gold-yellow color with white head. Head is a finger thick off the pour, shortly receding to a thin scattered surface. Low-moderate retention. Decent lacing. Aroma is bready, floral. Front taste is mild sweet hoppy, malty. Aftertaste is grain, crackers, with the sweetness falling to a dry finish. Thin body. Mouthfeel is sticky, clingy, but brief.

This is one of those beers brewed on contract for Trader Joe's, which is hit-and-miss with its house beers. This entry was more enjoyable than expected, definitely a good value, but far below most other blonde ales or Belgian beers. I probably won't buy this again. However, I would encourage you to try it if only to compare to other Belgian beers you’ve enjoyed. Mildly recommended.

From the brewery:

"In this bottle is Belgian brewery know-how dating back to 1867 - the year the recipe was created. It’s a crisp, golden ale brewed using only water, malted barley, hops, and yeast. The dry-hopping procedure, in which uncooked hop heads are added after the brewing process, gives this beer its unique floral aroma and taste."

Josef Belgian Blonde Ale 2