Kennebunkport Brewing Co. Pumpkin Ale

kbc pumpkin ale 1
Kennebunkport Brewing Co. Pumpkin Ale. 4.7% abv. Gold-yellow color with a half-finger of white head that drops alarmingly fast. Very low retention, no lacing. Nose is tangy sweet, caramel, nutmeg, an overtone of citrus-orange. Front taste of light brown sugar, pumpkin, spice. Syrupy sweet. Tropical fruit on the back end. Aftertaste is brief, with notes of orange candy, faint pumpkin notes, distant hops. Thin-medium body. Mouthfeel is thin, slightly sticky with a faint carb.

This beer was a disappointment, particularly in comparison to other superior pumpkin beers out there. This brew does taste like spicy pumpkin pie at first, but further focus reveals odd combinations of fruits, candy, and an overall sugary sweetness that doesn't fit well. Rather than tasting like fresh pumpkin was added to the mash, it tastes like a pumpkin-flavored fruit punch was poured into an average ale. Pass on this one.

From the brewery:

"Kennebunkport Brewing Company (KBC) Pumpkin Ale is a pale ale with hints of pumpkin, cinnamon and nutmeg, as crisp and refreshing as the season itself.  The seasonal seasonings deliver the promised profile, which enhances rather than distracts from the overall ale experience.  This beer is available only through the autumn, and only while we can keep it in stock – demand is high and supplies are limited due to the limited production capability of the brewery.  So enjoy it while you can, because when it's gone, it won't be back until next year, when you can be sure we'll be waxing prosaic once again."

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The head fell to this thin collar in less than a minute. A minute later, there was no trace of it