Baltika 'Grade 9' Extra Lager

Baltika 9 Extra Lager 1
Baltika 'Grade 9' Extra Lager. 8% abv. Pale yellow color. Thin white head.
Low retention, moderate lace. Nose of sweet light malt, sweet corn. Front taste of faint toffee, faint corn, distant hops. Aftertaste of grain, sweet corn, faint hops, canned vegetables. Light body. Mouthfeel is thin, light carb.

This beer was disappointing, as I am a fan of several other beers from this Russian brewery. It had the scent, flavor, and body of a cheap adjunct beer. I'll have to review their other offerings to help make up for this one.

From the brewery:

"This beer is brewed from select ingredients using the most up-to-date technology. It uniquely combines a strong beverage with lightness of taste."

Baltika 9 Extra Lager 2