Pretty Things 'Bocky Bier' Lager

Pretty Things Bocky Bier 1
Pretty Things Beer & Ale Project 'Bocky Bier' Lager. 7.5% abv. Black color with thick, nearly two fingers of tan head. Excellent retention. Moderate lacing. Nose of sweet bread, raisins. Front taste of dark roasted malt, raisins, plums. Aftertaste of malt, dark cherry, fruity hops. Medium body. Mouthfeel is thick, a touch syrupy, sticky.

This is an excellent beer, very malty with fruity notes and a nice roasted grain taste. This beer encourages me to explore the other offerings from this small tenant nano-brewery. Highly recommended.

From the brewery:

"Bocky Bier is a single-decocted, dual-strain fermented, six week lager – if you’re trying to impress your pals.  More simply, it’s a malty, dark lager. This tribute to our great friend was made with this goal in mind: maltiness.  We wanted to make the most deliciously malty bock bier ever made, using every dream we’ve ever dreamt about the possibilities of a vast maltiness. We are pleased with the results."

Pretty Things Bocky Bier 2

Pretty Things Bocky Bier 3