Wasatch Brewery 'Devastator' Double Bock

Wasatch Devastator Double Bock 1
Wasatch Brewery 'Devastator' Double Bock. 8% abv. Nearly black in color with thick white head that falls to a reliable collar. Good retention, excellent lace. Nose of roasted grain, almost smoky, with notes of raisins. Front taste of roasted malt, pungent sweet dark fruit, currants. Aftertaste of sweet malt, plum, floral hops, alcohol. Big body. Mouthfeel is warm-hot, astringent, thick, creamy carb.

This is a very good double with a flavor profile that brings Russian imperial stouts to mind. Lots if rich dark fruit taste, background hops, bittersweet. Highly recommended.

From the brewery:

"If you're going to sin, sin big. With 8% alc/vol and a creamy richness, this brew has developed a serious cult following. Imagine that - a cult following in Utah?!"

Wasatch Devastator Double Bock 2