Out Of Bounds 'Big Gun' Chocolate Maple Porter

Out Of Bounds Big Gun Porter 1
Out Of Bounds 'Big Gun' Chocolate Maple Porter. 5.6% abv. Black color. Thin white head falls fast to a ring. Low retention. Nice lace. Nose of roasted malt, cocoa powder, faint maple. Front taste of bitter chocolate, roasted malt, dark fruit on the back end. Aftertaste of bitter cocoa, bitter herbal hops. Medium-thin body. Mouthfeel was warm, small carb.

This beer was good but not great, certainly not up to expectations. The maple was barely present in the aroma, and was absent otherwise. The chocolate was up front in the nose but took a backseat in the tasting. Simply put, it tasted like a run-of-the-mill porter, which isn't bad unless you consider the premium price for this bottle. Not recommended.

From the brewery:

"The Big Gun Granite Quarry began operation in Rocklin, CA in 1864. Named after the device that was used to fracture the rock, it supplied granite to build the California State Capital, many of San Francisco’s landmark buildings including the Transamerica Pyramid as well as the Naval Station at Pearl Harbor. We salute this hometown landmark of industry, the people who kept digging and those who hope to reclaim it. Our Big Gun blends Ecuadorian cocoa with Grade A maple syrup to compliment a well-balanced porter. The Cocoa nose and subtle maple finish will leave you digging deeper!"
[source: outofboundsbrewing.com]

Out Of Bounds Big Gun Porter 2