Clown Shoes 'Chocolate Sombrero'

Clown Shoes Chocolate Sombrero Stout 1
Clown Shoes 'Chocolate Sombrero' Mexican-Style Chocolate Stout. 9% abv. 6 IBU. Black in color with a finger+ of thick creamy tan head. Excellent retention and superb lacing. Nose of roasted malt, cocoa powder, vanilla, bright spice, earthy. Front taste of chiles swimming in chocolate, strong vanilla, spicy bite on the back. Aftertaste of chiles, bittersweet dark chocolate, cinnamon notes. Medium-full body. Mouthfeel is hot, thick, carby.

This is a unique and wonderful beer that challenges my notions on what a chocolate stout should taste like. I compare all chocolate beers to my three favorites: Young's Double Chocolate, Samuel Smith Organic Chocolate Stout, and House of Pendragon Coco Crusader. This odd beer from Clown Shoes both joins them and stands apart, with its prominent chile spice profile, its stark bittersweet chocolate taste, and its ample use of vanilla. I love this beer. Strongly recommended.

From the brewery:

"Roasted dark malts plus extra chocolate malts plus ancho chile plus cinnamon plus vanilla extract plus a chocolate loving, beer drinking, Clown Shoes wearing, multi-limbed, gorgeous and glorious Mexican wrestler on the label. That’s the recipe for a Chocolate Sombrero!"

Clown Shoes Chocolate Sombrero Stout 2

Clown Shoes Chocolate Sombrero Stout 3