Petaluma Hills 'Big House Blonde' Ale

Petaluma Hills Belgian blonde ale 1
Petaluma Hills 'Big House Blonde' Belgian-Style Blonde Ale. 6.4% abv. 24.7 IBU. Hazy honey color. Thin white head. Moderate retention, very little lace. Nose of light malt, floral, flat grain. Front taste of grassy-herbal grain, wheat, bitter hop back. Aftertaste is yeasty, earthy bitter hops, sustain is harsh grassy. Medium body. Mouthfeel is warm, dank.

This beer starts out well enough but is plagued by an unpleasant yeast taste that's present throughout, particularly in the aftertaste. It makes for a beer that's overly earthy, almost like soil in flavor. The brief head and almost zero lacing do not help the overall impression. Disappointing.

My friend took a trip to Petaluma and bought this beer for me, from a small nano-brewery across the street from the mighty Lagunitas Brewing. Based on this beer, it seems that Lagunitas has nothing to worry about. Pass on this one.

From the brewery:

"This Belgian style Blonde Ale is made with Belgian pilsen and Belgian aromatic malts plus lots of East Kent Goldings hops for lots of flavor. However, it's the Belgian Abbey yeast that defines this ale, adding a spicy bonus to a crisp, clean taste."

Petaluma Hills Belgian blonde ale 2

Petaluma Hills Belgian blonde ale 3