Session Premium Lager

Session Premium Lager 1
Session Premium Lager. 5.1% abv. 18 IBU. Straw-gold color. Finger of white bubbly head that falls to a sustaining collar. Fair retention. Moderate lace. Nose of grain, grassy, veggie. Front taste of light malt, corn, herbal. Aftertaste is corn, cooked greens, faint herbal hops on the back. Thin body. Mouthfeel is warm, astringent, crisp.

This is a decent lawnmower beer. Full Sail Brewing markets this separately from its other offerings, touting it as a bridge between macro and micro beers, which is another way of saying it tastes like a macro but is made by a micro. Imagine a car that drives like a Ford Fiesta but is made by Ferrari. Is that the car for you?

The appearance, body, taste, and marketing strategy all remind me of Firestone Walker's '805' of which I gave a less-than-glowing review. Their similarity is not necessarily a bad thing, particularly since Session tastes slightly better and is significantly cheaper than 805. Stacked against all beers, I'd pass on this one. Stacked against macros and other micro-macros crossovers, this beer is not the worst. Recommended, if you are going to a barbecue or mowing the lawn.

From the brewery:

"It's all about Session-ability! Session’s not a micro, a macro or an import. It’s a little bit of each. Yet none of the above. Which makes Session a true original. Just about everybody who likes beer likes Session... This is the Session that started it all, with that retro-cool red label and rock-paper-scissors under the caps. The original Session is a classic, all-malt lager that’s crisp, smooth, and refreshing. Winner of multiple gold medals at the top national and international competitions, Session Premium Lager is a beer that truly crosses boundaries, from blue collar to white, red state to blue, cocktail bar to bar-be-que. Session Premium lager is an extremely tasty import-style lager, like the kind of beer made back in the pre-Prohibition days— plenty of flavor that goes down clean and smooth, we like to call it "Session-ability." American and European hops offer a wonderful noble hop aroma, and the two-row barley malt and a touch of wheat malt give a pleasant, refreshing finish. Why have a beer when you could have a Session!"

Session Premium Lager 2

Session Premium Lager 3