Firestone Walker 'Stickee Monkee 2015' Quad

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Firestone Walker 'Stickee Monkee 2015' Central Coast Quad. Bourbon barrel aged. 13.4%. 45 IBU. Black in color. No head, retention, or lace. Nose of rich, sweet malt, dark fruit, caramel. Nose becomes more complex as the temp drops, with emerging port wine grapes and green herbal notes. Front taste of caramel, oak, brown sugar, plums, molasses. Aftertaste of sweet dried fruit, raisins, plums, sweet wine, wood notes, sweet coconut husk in the sustain. Full body. Mouthfeel is warm-hot, rich, sticky, thick.

This is an extraordinary, world-class beer. It's very rich, sweet, malty, fruity, and at times is herbal, botanical, woodsy. A complex myriad of flavors dances in the aroma, the first sips, on though the aftertaste and sustain. The barrel aging is expressed throughout, always in the background, with flavors of toasted oak and port wine. Outstanding. Strongly recommended.

From the brewery:

"A Belgian Quad by recipe, but aging it in spirits barrels garners its own category: Central Coast Quad.  A beer formulated to sit on the sweeter and malty side so that we could utilize it for blending.  Turbinado brown sugar from Mexico and Belgian candi sugar add wonderful molasses flavors.  It has a full body and lush texture with barrel expression all over this beer: toasted oak, coconut, leather and cigar tobacco."

“Since founding our brewery in 1996, we have specialized in the rare art of fermenting beer in oak barrels. In the Fall of 2006, we embarked on a program to barrel age a series of vintage strong ales that would later be used as components of a blended beer. That blend would become our first Anniversary Ale, ’10’. After the release of ’10’, we released limited amounts of the components beers on draft only. Many of these beers gained a cult following that craft beer fans raved about and begged for us to put in bottle. Stickee Monkee was one of these beers. We present the 2015 vintage of Stickee Monkee, a barrel-aged Quad. It has been said that the only constant is change and the same is true for barrel-aged beers. Cut from a similar recipe, this barrel-aged Quad evolved and shows a different face each year; a result of time spent aging in the barrel. Turbinado brown sugar from Mexico adds wonderful molasses flavors that are reminiscent of Belgian candi sugar. It has a full body and lush texture with barrel expression all over; toasted oak, coconut, leather and rich cigar tobacco. This Central Coast Quad is a one-of-a-kind sipping beer built to last and will reward careful aging for years to come.”
[source: box]

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This big beer is best shared with friends

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My friends and fellow beer enthusiasts Patrick and Michelle shared their Stickee Monkee with me and some friends for my birthday. Cheers!