Stone Brewing "Ruination 2.0" Double IPA

Stone Ruination 2.0 Double IPA 1
Stone Brewing 'Ruination 2.0' Double IPA. 8.5% abv. 100+ IBU. Golden honey color. Two+ fingers of white foamy head. Excellent retention and lace. Nose of sweet citrus, fruity hops, pine notes, biscuit. Front taste of ample bitter fruity hops, mild grapefruit rind, tropical light fruit, strong pine and floral hops on the back. Aftertaste of citrus peel, bitter floral hop bite, sweet light malt sustain. Light-medium body. Mouthfeel is warm-hit, sticky, resiny, floral.

This is an excellent DIPA, a bolder, more complex successor to the original Ruination. The blend of hops shows in every sniff and sip, with a bitter fruit backbone accented by sweet, malty, and floral tastes. The mouthfeel alone elevates this to an imperial/double level, along with the notes of pine, tropical fruit, and strong citrus. Very good stuff. A must for fans of hoppy, complex beers. Well recommended.

From the brewery:

"Stone Ruination IPA was the first full-time brewed and bottled West Coast double IPA on the planet. As craft beer has evolved over the years, so too have techniques for maximizing hop flavors and aromas. For the second incarnation of our groundbreaking India pale ale, we employed dry hopping and hop bursting to squeeze every last drop of piney, citrusy, tropical essence from the hops that give this beer its incredible character. We’ve also updated the name to reflect the imperial-level intensity that’s evident in every sip. Join us in cheering this, the second stanza in our 'Liquid Poem to the Glory of the Hop.'"

"When this double IPA first hit the scene in 2002, the hoppy beer landscape was far different than it is today. Ales offering an onslaught of resinous humulus lupulus were virtually unknown. Thankfully, that is no longer the case. Terms such as "lupulin" and "IBU" are well established in the craft beer lexicon. And with the knowledge of all that hops have to offer comes the desire to go beyond bracing bitterness. Fortunately, Stone Ruination IPA had always been crafted to celebrate all the facets of the hop - its beauty and poetry, it's boldness and might. As craft beer has evolved, so too have techniques for extracting the best and the most out of hops. So we modernized Stone Ruination IPA, coaxing every last drop of piney, citrusy, tropical essence from the Centennial, Citra, Simcoe and Azacca hops that give this beer its incredible character. Join us in cheering this, the second stanza in our 'Liquid Poem to the Glory of the Hop.'"
[source: bottle]

Stone Ruination 2.0 Double IPA 2

Stone Ruination 2.0 Double IPA 3