Anderson Valley 'Briney Melon Gose' Watermelon Ale

Anderson Valley Briney Melon Gose 1
Anderson Valley Brewing 'Briney Melon Gose' Watermelon Ale. 4.2% abv. Pale golden color. Finger of bubbly head that dissipates quickly. Fair retention, no lace. Nose of light fruit, melon rind, grass, crackers. Front taste is tart melon, salty, watermelon candy, light malt back. Aftertaste is sour berry, tart melon rind, lemon juice, salty, ending dry. Thin body. Mouthfeel is clingy, sticky, cool up front, warm on the aftertaste, thick on the back of the tongue.

I will admit, this beer challenges me. I'm still developing an appreciation for sour brews, and while this gose is more tart than full-speed sour, I struggled to adjust. My beloved malt backbone sits back against the wall as the tart and briny fruit tastes strikes with both fists. The fruit profile ranges from light to syrupy sweet. The promised watermelon is here to be sure, but is swimming in salt and lemongrass.

As a summer session brew with a twist, yes, I suppose I enjoyed this brew. However, in full disclosure, I had to leave the house before the beer was finished, and it didn't break my heart to leave the beer unfinished. If you like sour or tart beers, you will likely consider this a light fruity treat. However, if you're like me, if you choose malty or hoppy beers over sours, you may want to pass on this one.

From the brewery:

"Born from our passion for experimentation, our Briney Melon Gose boasts a thirst-quenching tartness that is perfectly balanced by subtle watermelon flavors and aromas.  Gentle additions of sea salt create a refreshing harmony between the acidity and fruity sweetness leading to clean, dry finish."

Anderson Valley Briney Melon Gose 2

Anderson Valley Briney Melon Gose 3

Anderson Valley Briney Melon Gose 4

Anderson Valley Briney Melon Gose 5