Alpine Beer Company 'Pure Hoppiness' DIPA

Alpine Pure Hoppiness Double IPA  1
Alpine Beer Company 'Pure Hoppiness' Double IPA. 8% abv. Golden honey color, hazy, some sediment. Two fingers of foamy ivory head. Excellent retention, nice lace. Nose of pine, bright herbal hops. Front taste of light malt, bitter herbal hops, botanical, resin on the back end. Aftertaste is tall bitter herb, vegetal, citrus rind, dry finish. Medium body. Mouthfeel is somewhat thin, sticky, slightly astringent.

This is a good DIPA that should be recategorized. It's an IPA. I don't care what the malt bill is. It could be a great brew if it were balanced better. Instead, we get a bitter hoppy standard IPA. 

When I have a DIPA, I look for a tall malt presence that complements an abundant hop expression. Perhaps a sweet finish. Perhaps a rich mouthfeel. Feel free to blame Pliny The Elder and Hop Stoopid for setting the bar in terms of that balance of flavor. Regardless, it's simply not here. In addition, the hop bundle is front and center, bright and forward, but not quite fresh in taste despite the dry hopping. The malt is nearly absent, evident in both its thin body and bitter-hoppy dominant taste. Citrus notes arise only in the tail of the aftertaste.

To be clear, I enjoyed this brew. However, I hesitate to recommend it, if only because it betrays its category, and because there is a sea of DIPAs that I would choose before having this again. If you love bitter hoppy brews, you will likely enjoy this beer. If you are looking for a big, bold, complex DIPA, seek elsewhere. Mildly recommended.

From the brewery:

"A West Coast Double IPA so mega-hopped it will take you to hop heaven. We’ve used hops in the boil, more hops in the giant hopback, and added to that, an incredible amount of dry-hopping for that cutting-edge 'hop bite.' Once you’ve tasted this unique beer, all others pale in comparison."

Alpine Pure Hoppiness Double IPA  2

Alpine Pure Hoppiness Double IPA  3

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