Evil Twin Brewing 'The Only Thing I Know is That I Know Nothing' N.E. IPA

Evil Twin Brewing New England IPA 1
Evil Twin Brewing 'The Only Thing I Know is That I Know Nothing' New England IPA. 6.5% abv. 68 IBU. Pale yellow color, like egg yolk. Dense hazy. Finger of white soapy head. Moderate retention, superb lacing. Nose of light fruit pastry, juicy grapefruit, floral and citrus hops. 

Front taste is bright citrus rind, notes of pepper and cloves, wide spice expression on the back end. Spice builds as the temp rises to room. Aftertaste is abundant bitter fruity hops, grapefruit pulp, white bread. Medium body. Mouthfeel is warm, round, foamy, clingy.

This is an excellent beer, a more aggressive version of a New England IPA. It's a cloudy, pungent, bitter fruity beer that blasts you with hops and tall spice throughout. The notes of pepper, cloves, and citrus rind build as the beer warms, resulting in an almost over-the-cliff flavor profile, giving you much more of what you sampled at first sip. Aroma follows suit, growing in intensity with time.

The relatively new category of N.E. IPA is growing exponentially in popularity, and I admit that I have not had many as of this writing. I'm still developing a palate for them, as well as sours, seemingly their second-cousins. However, I'm quickly learning to love them, and this is one of the first to truly grab my attention and make me remember it. Well recommended, particularly if you love bitter hop bite in your brew.

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Evil Twin Brewing New England IPA 2

Evil Twin Brewing New England IPA 3