Clown Shoes 'Space Cake' Double IPA

Clown Shoes Space Cake Double IPA 1
Clown Shoes 'Space Cake' Double IPA. 9% abv. Amber color with two fingers of bubbly, ivory head. Superb retention, excellent lacing. Nose of bright, spicy hops, sweet bread, stone fruit. Malt aroma and further spice expression come through as the temp rises to room.

Front taste is caramel, bright citrus peel, herbal hops, with sweet malt and tangy orange zest on the back end. Aftertaste is bitter fruity hops, tangerine, botanical resin, with a dry finish. A taste of marmalade comes to mind down the glass. Medium-full body. Mouthfeel is cool, round, tangy, thick, slightly sticky.

This is an excellent beer, a DIPA whose Mosaic hops' spice notes punch up the flavor of its malty backbone while accentuating the herbal and bready expression throughout. Its tall bitter hop bill that is balanced well with its malt base and fruit pastry profile. Think of a holiday fruitcake soaked in Grand Marnier. If that imagined taste appeals to you, this beer is sure to please. It surely pleases me. Well recommended.

From the brewery:

"Why are Miracle Mike and his dog, Bionic, being chased by many evil laser beam shooting cupackes and two giant layer cake mother ships?  Because we’re straight up lunatic fools?  Well, maybe, but with a few brain cells remaining we managed to craft Space Cake double IPA, utilizing citrusy Mosaic hops and an immaculate West Coast style malt backbone.  Dude… chill out.  Enjoy some Space Cake."


Clown Shoes Space Cake Double IPA 2

Clown Shoes Space Cake Double IPA 3

Clown Shoes Space Cake Double IPA 4

Clown Shoes Space Cake Double IPA 5

Clown Shoes Space Cake Double IPA 6