PDR 1878 Reserva Dominica Capa Oscura

PDR 1878 Reserva Dominica Capa Oscura Corona. 5x52. Dark, oily wrap. Good build with a mostly smooth surface, dark leaf with some almost black notes well marbled. Nose of leather and walnut. Excellent cut and light. The burn was uneven at first but was quickly back on course. Good draw pre-light and throughout. Ash is clean and white and falls at an inch. First half tastes of warm spice, walnut, slight sweetness from the heavily sweated leaf. Mid-way down the taste becomes richer, with more nutty, woodsy overtones. The wrap is mildly oily across the cigar, giving it a touch of sweet dark herb with each puff. Though more mild that some maduros, this is an excellent example of an oscuro cigar, with a consistently fine, oily taste that follows you to the band. Another fine smoke from Pinar Del Rio. Strongly recommend.

From the company:

"This started as a limited production run. Some people know it as the Holiday blend. Some blends just stand on their own and we believe that this blend does just that. Here are some facts for this blend. Its a Dominican Puro, it is one of very few Oscuro wrappers grown in the Dominican Republic, and one of the fullest bodied Dominican Puro’s to be released from the Dominican Republic in many years. One of the most beautiful dark and oily Habano Oscuro wrappers that you will ever lay your cigar loving eyes on. We put a lot of time and work in fermenting and aging this wrapper leaf to pass along what nature has given us. We wanted to add as much wrapper leaf as possible so we added a pig tail on the cap and a closed foot, just making her beautiful to cut and light. Because the way we bunch the filler tobacco, this is a slow burning puro that produces volumes of smoke and that makes us happy to put our name on. This cigar is blended for the medium body cigar aficionado. Grab a drink, cut and light!"