Drake's Brewing 'Denogginizer' Imperial IPA

Drakes Denogginizer Imperial IPA 1
Drake's Brewing 'Denogginizer' Imperial IPA. 9.5% abv. 90 IBU. Amber-red color. Two+ fingers of head off the pour. Creamy white head. Great retention and lacing. Aroma of caramel with small notes of pine and citrus. First taste is malt, hops, citrus peel. Big body. Mouthfeel is hot, somewhat astringent. Sticky, creamy, bubbly. Aftertaste is hoppy, slightly fruity. As the temp dropped, the fruit profile tasted a touch tropical, and the hops were more pronounced. 

This is one of Drake's go-to brews, a popular big beer with big flavor. Malty, hoppy, notes of light fruit. I loved it and will definitely have it again. Highly recommended.

From the brewery:

"An Imperial India Pale Ale. Denogginizer is a big, bold beer hopped with an abundant amount of dank, citrusy American hops. Crystal and Munich malts add color and a subtle caramel malt flavor that helps balance out the immense hop dosings in this monster Imperial IPA. Enjoy the boldness of the citrus and resinous hops, but please remember: Hold on to your head… In January of 2004, Drake’s brewers sought to create a beer to turn some heads. They crafted a massive Imperial IPA with a full body, smooth malt backbone, and an utterly irresponsible amount of pungent, dank, American hops. After three weeks in the tanks and one minor incident involving a pressure relief valve jettisoning across the cellar and nearly decapitating a brewer, a beer an its name were born. Citizens be warned, even without a tank valve careening at high speeds, Denogginizer has been know to blow a few minds."

Drakes Denogginizer Imperial IPA 2
Excellent retention and lacing.

Drakes Denogginizer Imperial IPA 3
Photos by my 6-year-old daughter.

Drakes Denogginizer Imperial IPA 4
I should have my daughter take all my blog pics.