House of Pendragon 'Benevolence'

House of Pendragon 'Benevolence'. 6.6% abv. 73 IBU. Unfiltered American IPA. Hazy honey color. Nice finger of head that recedes to a thick collar with superb lacing. Excellent retention. Aroma of fresh hop bouquet. Bright taste of floral hops. Balanced bitter aftertaste. Medium body. Mouthfeel is slightly sticky, warm, herbal. Hop bite sustains long after first few tilts of the glass. An excellent example of a West Coast style IPA. I look forward to trying their other variations.

From the brewery:

"Benevolence is our new unfiltered American IPA. It’s brewed with a mixture of Citra, Centennial and Nelson Sauvin hops. (Other versions of) Benevolence are aged with Spanish Cedar and habaƱero."