Lagunitas Brewing 'High West-ified' Imperial Coffee Stout 2015

Lagunitas Imperial Coffee Stout 1
Lagunitas Brewing 'High West-ified' Imperial Coffee Stout 2015. 12% abv. Black in color. Two+ fingers of thick mocha-colored head, rich like melted ice cream. Superb retention and outstanding lacing. Nose of rich chocolate, roasted coffee, vanilla, notes of oak on the back. Front taste is complex with flavors of bourbon, oak, black coffee, dark chocolate, dark fruit, plum. Aftertaste is strong bourbon, espresso, bittersweet chocolate on the sustain. Full body. Mouthfeel is hot, thick, creamy, sticky back end.

This is an extraordinary beer. The promised bourbon aging taste is clear and present from nose to finish, as is fresh coffee, roasted chocolate, and dark fruit notes. The flavor profile is definitely barrel-aged as opposed to simply tasting like bourbon was added. My friend bought me this at Lagunitas a week before release. By now it should be out on store shelves and I suggest you buy a bottle or two before they're all gone. Strongly recommended.

From the brewery:

"Up until this brew, none of Lagunitas’ barrel-aged adventures ever made it to shelves. They’ve been super-limited draft-only releases. This time we’ve made enough to actually bottle some … The 100% barrel-aged 2015 High West-ified Coffee Stout. Ale brewed with Coffee from our friends at Petaluma Coffee & Tea, then aged in Rye Whiskey barrels from our friends at High West Distillery in Park City, Utah … barrels that held High West’s Double Rye and American Prairie Bourbon, to be exact. Cheers!"

"Nectar from the source, from cast-against-type Utah. Latent heat of evaporation causes apparitions to rise up the column. They rise and condense and coolly run off. Oak barrels, just wood, made Magic by a higher power, filled to the bung for a time are then drained. Potential energy. The desire to fall. The barrels rolled wear downslope out of north central Utah, outta 6,780 ft. County of Summit, into the Basin, past the temptations of Wendover, across basin through range, escaping the Great Humboldt Sink, climb the Cretateous subduction's saw-faced batholitic intrusion, down the Smartville Ophiolite through the gentle Coast Range onto delta, landing gently in Petaluma, where we just plain filled them with beer. That's all there is to it."
[source: bottle]

Lagunitas Imperial Coffee Stout 2

Lagunitas Imperial Coffee Stout 3

Lagunitas Imperial Coffee Stout 4
This photo was taken by my friend at a Petaluma campground near Lagunitas brewery moments after he bought it. He managed to buy several bottles a week before it would be released. Lucky me got one.