Twisted Manzanita 'Danger Ranger' Imperial Red Ale

Twisted Manzanita Danger Ranger Red Ale 1
Twisted Manzanita 'Danger Ranger' Imperial Red Ale. 8.5% abv. Dark ruby color. Finger of beige head. Outstanding retention and superb lace. Nose of sweet amber malt. Front taste of ample citrus and floral hops, slightly sweet malt. Aftertaste of bitter floral hops, citrus rind, herbal notes on the back, slightly sweet finish. Medium body. Mouthfeel is warm-hot, small-bead carb, bubbly.

This is a very good imperial red, a solid example of its category. The hop bill is bright and full, with flavors from the different varieties coming through well. The malt is subdued by present throughout, with a slightly sweet aroma followed by background sweet malt flavors. The head retains for 10 minutes easy before receding to a thick collar. All signs of a well crafted brew. The chicory doesn't come through at all, but it's forgivable considering how mild in flavor that root is to begin with. Very good stuff. Recommended.

From the brewery:

"For our first two years we personally delivered all of our beers with the help of a little truck dubbed "the Danger Ranger." We're excited to have grown a bit - now we can focus on brewing beer rather than delivering it - and we're paying homage to many hours spent redlining around San Diego with this big red beer. Our high octane brew pairs the tangy citrus of Chinook, Centennial and Citra hops with the honey-roasted flavor of chicory root. Unconventional, but that's how we roll."

Twisted Manzanita Danger Ranger Red Ale 2

Twisted Manzanita Danger Ranger Red Ale 3

Twisted Manzanita Danger Ranger Red Ale 4